Vegan Grants

Mission: We fund activism that reaches a mainstream and/or influential audience with a compelling vegan diet or menu change message in a cost-effective way.

Vision: A Vegan World.

Empowering Change, One Grant at a Time

Welcome to Vegan Grants, where we seek to catalyze a global transformation through dedicated vegan advocacy. We see a world where every animal is respected and allowed to live freely. We see a future where the inherent worth of all animals is recognized and cherished, celebrating their unique personalities and needs.

At the heart of our endeavors are our grants which are provided to empower both individuals and organizations passionately advocating for a vegan lifestyle. We are more than a foundation, we are a movement dedicated to fostering sustainable dietary changes and championing a plant-based diet. Join us in this journey of compassion and change, where each step we take is a stride towards a kinder, healthier, and more sustainable world.

Together, let's inspire and nurture a Vegan World, one grant at a time.